
Dynamic Rhyming

 Dynamic Rhyming (2023) is a writing guide to ...well...dynamic rhyming in rhyming picture book texts. Here's the table of contents. 5.       Introduction to Rhyming Picture Books 6.       What is the Appeal of Rhyming Texts? 7.       Common Problems with Rhyming Texts 7.       Scansion 8.      Rhyme and Rhythm 9.       Syllable Distortion 10.     Mind-Stores 13.     A Personal Digression 14.     Managing Your Mind-Store 15.     Passenger Lines 15.     The Rabbit Text 16.     Improving the Rabbit Text 17.     Deconstructing the Rabbit Text 19.     Rhyme Deconstruction and Linguistic Tricks 21.     Suggested Next Steps 21.     Rhythm 22.    How to Use Dynamic Rhyming 22.    Rhyme Schemes 24.    Questioning 26.    Unexpected Words 28.    Multisyllables 31.     More Tricks 34.    Consonance 34.    Assonance 35.    Near Rhymes 36.    Deliberately Ill-Assorted Rhymes 38.    Picture Book Text or Poem? 45.    Checklist 46.    Conclusion 47.     About the Author 48.    Other Resources 49.

Writing Your Chapter Book

  Writing Your Chapter Book is a writing course specifically for those who want to write junior chapter books. The course consists of twelve lessons These can be delivered as a paperback or PDF or as weekly lessons sent by email. The basic cost of the course is $30 (AUD). If you want a course tailored to a specific genre, add $10.  If you want the paperback version, printing and postage costs will be added. To sign up, send an email to  with WRITING YOUR CHAPTER BOOK in the subject line. Let me know which option you want, and I'll send you an invoice. Feedback is available, and so is an edit of your finished chapter book.